22. 9. 2010

ABC Wednesday: J is for Jilemnice

This is the part of  the town hall in Jilemnice. It was in 1789 rebuilt (after the fire) and expanded in 1851. We can see the coat of arms - elmtree - on the building. The baroque sculptural group represent the Saint Mary and it is from 1723. (More on http://www.mestojilemnice.cz/en/historic-sights/)
See more shots on the ABC Wednesday J is for.... Hosted by the ABC Team: Denise, Annelie, Barb, Donna, Gattina, Helen, Jay, Joyce. Linda, Nat halie, Roger, Sylvia, Troy.

Toto je část radnice v Jilemnici. V roce 1789 byla přestavěna (po požáru) a rozšířena v r. 1851. Na budově můžeme vidět městský znak - strom jilm. Barokní sousoší představuje svatou Marii a pochází z roku 1723. (Více na
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ABC středa J jako...

5 komentářů:

  1. Nicely done! I particularly like the sculptures. Cathy

  2. That's a very attractive building, isn't it? An interesting statue, too!

    On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week. :)

  3. I think I made a mistake, so I post again. I hope there won't be another fire.

    Fire's are dreadful. During our earthquake, a fire just sprung out when the Prime Minister was there.

  4. Rather looks like an Olympic podium, with the statue in the middle winning the gold.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team


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