20. 7. 2010

Bench in the Park

This park in Lomnice is relatively new. Two benches on the path with grit were placed this spring. The park is more pleasant now.
Click here for more My World shots from around the world. Hosted by Klaus with his team: Sandy, Wren, Fishing guy and Sylvia.

Tento park v Lomnici je relativně nový. Toto jaro byly na cestě s kamínky umístěny dvě lavičky. Park hned vypadá příjemněji.
Klikněte zde pro další snímky My World z celého světa. Hostí Klaus se svým týmem: Sandy, Wren, Fishing guy a Sylvia.

6 komentářů:

  1. The park looks lovely with its summer 'clothing' on. Maybe in winter time it is covered with snow and the bench will be deserted and lonely. I think I prefer the summer version.

  2. Ahoj, seems a nice place to rest from all that summer heat.

  3. And it looks like there would lots of shade if one wanted to stretch out on the grass

  4. i love garden benches! a perfect spot to read while catching some breezes.

  5. I like his photo. The bench seems to
    wait for somebody to sit down.

  6. i wont mind sitting there and just let the day pass by slowly :)


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