21. 7. 2010

ABC Wednesday: A is for Architecture

The town Jicin (ca 15 km from Lomnice) is full of the amazing architecture. The baroque St. James The Great church is on the photo. The church was built by Albrecht von Wallenstein and ordained in 1701. You can see the chateau on the right. Both buildings are connected with the bridge (see here).

See more shots on the ABC Wednesday T is for.... Hosted by the ABC Team: Denise, Annelie, Barb, Donna, Gattina, Helen, Jay, Joyce. Linda, Nat halie, Roger, Sylvia, Troy.

Město Jičín (ca 15 km od Lomnice) je plné úžasné architektury. Na fotografii je barokní kostel Jakuba Většího. Kostel byl postaven za Albrechta z Valdštejna a vysvěcen v r. 1701. Napravo můžete vidět zámek. Obě budovy jsou spojeny mostem (obrázek zde).

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10 komentářů:

  1. wow, still standing and still looks beautiful. By the way, i love your header. Very nice.

    Happy ABC WED.

  2. Great building with even greater history. I love ancient building like this. Somehow the picture of old time society just pop out in my mind :)


  3. You have some of the most wonderful architecture photos I have seen.

  4. I like seeing the old buildings that have an amazing history.
    Nice photo and good information.

  5. Another fabulous photo! I like the lightpost, also, with the flower boxes. Adds so much charm.

  6. ah yes, I remember that bridge. how nice to see a bit more of the area.

  7. Nice building and photo of same.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  8. Beautiful building, great capture. I enjoyed reading your brief history, there's nothing in my part of the world that old.

  9. Absolutely Amazing Architecture! Great Post! On behalf of the ABC Wednesday Team, thank you for joining us for Round Seven. I am looking forward to seeing your posts each week, as we work our way through the alphabet.


  10. Ooo, graceful building with great paint job.


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