11. 7. 2012

Staircase / Schodiště

This staircase is located in Kuks on the opposite bank of the Elbe than Hospital. Originally led this staircase to the castle whose ruins were demolished in 1901. The Triton statue is on both sides of the staircase. Ewers flowed the spa wather which was replaced by the wine during celebrations.
Toto schodiště se nachází na opačném břehu Labe než Hospital. Původně toto schodiště vedlo k zámku jehož trosky byly roku 1901 strženy. Socha Tritonů je po obou stranách schodiště. Ze džbánů tekla lázeňská voda a při slavnostech ji nahrazovalo víno.

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7 komentářů:

  1. Great sculpture with the water staircase!

  2. That is beautiful! Love how the statue was put on top of the stairs, awesome!
    Thanks for linking Water World Wedneday I do appreciate it!

  3. What a beautiful staircase.
    Have a great summer.

  4. I love a chance to see wonderful old sculptures like these...this one is gorgeous with the flowing staircase. Here in our relatively young country of Canada, it is rare to see relics of the past.

    So glad you stopped by for a visit...:)


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