5. 7. 2012

Braun’s Nativity / Braunův Betlém

The so-called Braun's Nativity is a realisation of the unique Baroque sculptures in the landscape. The area was created by the baroque sculptor Matthias Bernard Braun and his workshop for Count Frantisek Antonin Spork as part of a residential and spa complex Kuks in 1718-1732. You can find this nature trail between the cities Dvur Kralove nad Labem and (Jaromer) Jaroměř about 3 km from Kuks. Part of sculptures in Novy les ranks among the best works of Czech Baroque sculptures and since 2001 is the area protected as a National Heritage. You can see the sculpture of the Mary Magdalene on the images.

Takzvaný Braunův Betlém je unikátní barokní sochařsko-krajinářskou realizací, vytvořenou v letech 1718–1732 barokním sochařem Matyášem Bernardem Braunem a jeho dílnou pro hraběte Františka Antonína Šporka jako širší součást rezidenčního a lázeňského komplexu Kuks.
Můžete ho najít mezi městy Dvůr Králové nad Labem a Jaroměř asi 3 km severně od Kuksu. Část sochařských prací v Novém lese je řazena k nejkvalitnějším dílům českého barokního sochařství a od roku 2001 je areál chráněn jako národní kulturní památka.
Na obrázku můžete vidět sochu ležící Máří Magdaleny.

See other Outdoor WednesdayRural JournalNature Notes and Spiritual Sunday

8 komentářů:

  1. Oh this is so beautiful I would love to see it. It must be very peaceful there. B

    1. Yes and very pleasant walk. Thanks for the nice comment.

  2. Oh this is am amazing place. I can only imagine the work that went into these sculptures and how they have stood the test of time. Beautiful area..thank you for participating in this week's Nature Notes..I hope your week and filled with more nature to enjoy..Michelle

  3. Love the reclining statue of Mary, Lucie. It's lovely.

    Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursdays this week. xo

  4. My what a national treasure. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  5. This is my first time to see this sculpture. I'd love to view it in person and soak up some of the peace that seems to be portrayed there.

    1. Thanks for the nice words. It is really gorgeous place. I will snow more from this nature trail tomorrow.


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