10. 1. 2011

My World Tuesday: Romantic View

This romantic view of Kosov was taken from Hradka. Last day's weather is very rainy and snow reminds no white beauty. We can't expect beautiful winter according the weather forecast.
Click here for more My World shots from around the world. Hosted by Klaus with his team: Sandy, Wren, Fishing guy and Sylvia.

Tento romantický pohled na Košov byl pořízen z Hrádek. V posledních dnech je velmi deštivo a sníh už nepřipomíná bílou krásu. Podle předpovědi počasí nemůžeme očekávat krásnou zimu.
Klikněte zde pro další snímky My World z celého světa. Hostí Klaus se svým týmem: Sandy, Wren, Fishing guy a Sylvia.

6 komentářů:

  1. Good photo. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. Very rainy is how I would also describe the wintry weather in BC. I prefer rain to snow, however. Although as your photo shows … pure white snow is so pretty see. :)

  3. i agree about the "romantic" description. have a lovely week.

  4. Beautiful photo of yours. May you be blessed with good weather always.

  5. Lovely view and the path makes a wonderful trail for the eyes.


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