31. 8. 2011

Our World Tuesday: Libochovice

We spent one day of our summer holiday in a beautiful town in North Bohemia. In Libochovice is a Renaissance castle adapted in Baroque style. It was built by Italian builder Antonio della Porta in 1683 - 1690 by the Ohre river. Very interesting are the eight tile stoves from 1685. The biologist J.E. Purkyně was born in the castle in 1787 and today is his memorial hall there. The castle is surrounded by a French garden and an English park.
Při naší letní dovolené jsme strávili i den v krásném městečku v Severních Čechách. V Libochovicích se nachází krásný renesanční zámek upravený v barokním stylu. Zámek u řeky Ohře postavil italský stavitel Antonio della Porta v letech 1683-1690. Kromě jiného se v něm nacházejí i  kachlová kamna z roku 1685. V zámku se v roce 1787 narodil biolog J.E. Purkyně a dnes se tam nachází jeho památník. K zámku přiléhá francouzská zahrada a anglický park. 

Pro více informací se podívejte na stránky zámku: www.zamek-libochovice.cz

My World Tuesday is continuing under the new name: Our World Tuesday. In memory of Klaus, who created this meme with the contributors from around the world. Our World Tuesday is hosted by Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy.
Náš úterní svět byl založen na památku autora Můj úterní svět, Klause. 

5 komentářů:

  1. How wonderful to stay in such a beautiful castle. Beautiful photos too.
    Thank you for posting on Our World.

  2. Calling by from Our World Tuesday, I am delighted to be part of this community and look forward to sharing photos with you and getting to know your part of the world; which I hope to one day have the opportunity to visit.

  3. This is so neat. You can see the statues and I can even see the crucifixion! Nice place!

  4. Lucka,
    Thanks for sharing this at Our World. What an interesting place.

  5. What a beautiful palace, Lucka! It is a great place to visit, the gardens look lovely.


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