26. 10. 2010

ABC Wednesday: O is for Open

The town hall got new dress now and it is after the reconstruction from the end of the October for the public  open again.  Old painting was replaced with the new bright colors.
See more shots on the ABC Wednesday O is for.... Hosted by the ABC Team: Denise, Annelie, Barb, Donna, Gattina, Helen, Jay, Joyce. Linda, Nat halie, Roger, Sylvia, Troy.

ABC středa
Radnice dostala nový obleček a po rekonstrukci je opět od konce října otevřena pro veřejnost. Staré malby byly nahrazeny novými jasnými barvami.
Podívejte se na další snímky ABC středa jako...

3 komentáře:

  1. It looks so bright and new! Good post!

  2. nice. interesting that open is a common theme this week.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. I always love your photos. Which is why I became a follower. Keep up the great work.

    Donna - ABC Wednesday


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