25. 6. 2012


Kuks Hospital is a former convent with a hospital and church of the Holy Trinity  and the family tomb Sporck. The hospital was founded in 1707. Before the hospital is a gallery of allegorical baroque statues of the sculptor Matthias Bernard Braun. Statues were built in 1715-1718. On the one side 12 Virtues and on the another side 12 vices. More about Hospital Kuks.
Národní kulturní památka Hospital Kuks je bývalý klášter se špitálem a kostelem Nejsvětější Trojice a hrobkou rodiny Sporck. Před hospitalem je galerie alegorických soch barokního sochaře Matyáše Bernarda Brauna z let 1715-1718. Na jedné straně je zobrazeno 12 ctností a na druhé 12 neřestí. Více o Hospitalu Kuks.

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5 komentářů:

  1. Nice post!Have a great day!


  2. The architecture is lovely and the virtues/vices statues fascinating.

  3. The amount of time and effort that must have been spent on places like this is remarkable. Nice post.

    Stewart M - Australia

  4. The main part of the building is quite attractive. I cannot imagine a hospital being that old. Almost everything here in Canada is much younger than that.

  5. Majestic building. So different from our contemporary concept of what a hospital looks like. The art is also amazing. Thanks for your comment. For some reason it did not appear on my post but I got it via email.


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