5. 9. 2011

Our World Tuesday: Trosky

Trosky Castle is the main symbol of the microregion called Bohemian Paradise. On my shots was the castle showed from afar, now you can see the castle ruins from the village Troskovice near Trosky. Trosky was founded in the late 14th century by the owner of a local estate Cenek of Wartenberg. There are two basalt rocks with the towers (defense and residential) and between them was palace. Lower is called "Baba" (Old woman, 47 m) and the other "Panna" (Young girl, 57 m). The castle was never conquered.
My World Tuesday is continuing under the new name: Our World Tuesday. In memory of Klaus, who created this meme with the contributors from around the world. Our World Tuesday is hosted by Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy.

Státní hrad Trosky je jednou z dominant mikroregionu zvaného Český ráj. Trosky jsem již ukazovala z dálky , nyní si je můžete prohlédnout z vesnice Troskovice, odkud se můžete na hrad vydat. Hrad založil koncem 14. století majitel zdejšího panství Čeněk z Vartemberka. Na hřebenu mezi oběma vrcholy čedičových skal založil vnitřní hrad s obytnými paláci a na vrcholu obou skal pak nechal vybudovat obranné, ale zároveň obytné věže. Nižší se jmenuje Baba (47 m) a druhá Panna (57 m). Hrad nebyl nikdy dobyt. Pro více informací se podívejte na www.hrad-trosky.eu
Náš úterní svět byl založen na památku autora Můj úterní svět, Klause. 

6 komentářů:

  1. That's amazing that the castle was never conquered! It must have been built in a perfect place.

  2. Thanks for sharing the photos and info on this pretty place. I'm sure the castle was amazing bakc in the old days.

  3. That is some strange looking rocks it was built on. Excellent place for a castle to defend. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Somehow sad to see the castle ruins when it never was conquered. A beautiful shot.

  5. Arija: At the beginning of the 17th century, the castle is already reported as abandoned.

  6. When we visited a few years ago, you could almost always see this in the distant. My cousins had fun telling us about the baba and the panna.


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